Myth: Recycled Gold Isn’t As Good As Mined Gold

There’s a misconception that recycled gold is somehow inferior to freshly mined goldThis is simply not true! Here’s why:

  • Purity Remains the Same: Gold is a unique metalUnlike iron or steel, it doesn’t degrade over timeA recycled gold piece retains the same purity it had when it was first mined [All About Recycled Gold]This means you can melt down an old necklace and turn it into a brand new ring without losing any quality.

  • Environmental Benefits: This is a big oneMining new gold is a dirty businessIt requires a lot of energy and chemicals, and can disrupt ecosystemsRecycled gold avoids this entirely mith about recycled GoldBy choosing recycled, you’re helping to reduce the environmental impact of the jewelry industry.

  • Ethical Considerations: Mined gold can sometimes come from conflict zones or involve unethical labor practicesRecycled gold eliminates these concernsYou can feel good knowing your jewelry wasn’t obtained through violence or exploitation.

However, there is a caveatNot all “recycled” gold is created equalSome recycled gold may come from sources that are difficult to trace, potentially including stolen materialsTo ensure your recycled gold is truly ethical, look for pieces from reputable retailers who can verify the source of their materials lab diamonds.